About Lady

Lady Hwin is a 16 year old Arabian-cross mare. I have owned her since December 2007 and have enjoyed every minute of that time. She has made me cry with grief, laugh for joy, and everything else in between.
Before I bought her, she was a winning competitive trail horse. That was after she was a champion barrel and poles horse. She has also had one foal - a pinto colt when she was about six years old and was bred again several months before I purchased her, but nothing came of it.
Due to her rather impressive competitive career, Lady suffers from quite a lot of imbalance throughout her body as well as some minor arthritis. She has one funny hoof that I have to keep a close eye on, and although she has always been a really easy keeper with an overweight tendency, her age really set in over the 2014 winter and we are facing some "ribby" difficulties now.

Although I still dream of competing, I have chosen to take my dreams off of Lady. She is a strong and wonderful horse, but I cannot expect everything of her. Rather, we will continue to work steadily, while still going slow and respecting her limits. Our main discipline is dressage, but we cross train in just about everything! We will be able to go far together and if the journey takes us into competition... well, I will be on cloud nine! But if not, I will love my horse anyways and do what she is capable of. She has taught me many, many things over the years and continues to do so every day. I could never ask for more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to your blog, so I thought I'd say hello!! :)

    I'm currently in the same place with my horse, so it's nice to find a blog that doesn't 100% focus on showing. Can't wait to read back on some posts and catch up!
