Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Missing Home

We're still off on vacation and having a blast! But I do miss home and  my babies. We're going on week four of being gone, and today was the first day that I got to see pictures of my ponies :)

So... while I'm not jealous of the weather that Texas is getting right now (while I'm enjoying balmy weather in Rome), I am jealous of everyone and their ponies.  :(

Here... enjoy some phone-quality photos of my cuties. Photo credit of my mother :)

Pony nose!!  It needs kisses....

She's probably thrilled with the time off due to the weather...

My  babies.....  Mwah!
Baby Comanche is looking so much more grown up!

And eating lots too....


  1. awww how could you not miss those faces?! I make my parents send me photos of my non-human "brothers" back home all the time!

  2. aww they're looking good! i'm sure they'll be happy to see you when you get home :)
