Monday, February 8, 2016

Equine Classes in College

Interesting, hmmm?

Since I finished up my core requirements at junior college, I ran out of music classes to take that would bring my credit hours up to full time status. So I decided to try and get one of the Equine Science certificates that TTU offers. The first class I am taking is called Selection and Evaluation of Horses.

At first I wasn't sure what I would learn but it's actually been pretty educational so far. A lot of the subject matter focuses on halter class judging - this class is the basis for the horse judging team that meets in the fall. The major difficulty that I've had with the judging is that we work almost completely on stock horses. Understandable since I am in ranch horse country. But I like my Warmbloods and my English sport horses so unconsciously I lean towards the horses that represent that type. Just the way I am.

Anyways, I've learned a lot about how to see a well balanced horse and judge based on all the factors and not just a few. We've also started working on formulating reasons for our judging choices. So its been quite interesting! And I am definitely enjoying it.

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