Tuesday, April 28, 2015


So the last time I posted was 11 days ago.
Ouch... considering one of April's goals was to stay on top of my editorial calender.

To explain... first I started getting distracted by my new fiction project last weekend, and then I worked on that late every night, and then I had a busy weekend...

And then I realized that I didn't have a desire to write yesterday when I opened my computer.

I installed a new writing program on my laptop, which got me set off on an awesome few days of fiction writing. And then between work, things to go to and people to see, I forgot about writing... blog posts or stories or anything.

So, I guess I've been a little burned out over the last week. I did have a dressage lesson last Wednesday, I rode last night, and Comanche has been getting some practice in on being calm. I went out with friends several times, watched possibly a few too many movies (all were good though), saw a play and practiced/performed with the violin... all this weekend. Slightly crazy.

Most of April has been a month of getting back into routines after six weeks of vacation. Making changes to the horses' feeding and exercise routines and spring is now fully here. Shedding hair everywhere. Lots and lots of rain and mud. So on and so forth.

Slowly, I'll get back into the writing groove, so this is all I have for you right now. Tomorrow I'll attempt to do a writeup of my lesson with Lady last week :)


  1. Sounds like you are being productive though ;) :)

  2. We all get a little burned out or encounter writer's block at some point. I don't think it's a bad thing to be a little quiet for a while, but I'm definitely happy to see Lady's pretty face today!
